Air Treatment

Ozone in Air Treatment

Ozone in natural settings is around 0.02 ppm, but it can be as high as 0.08 ppm. At this level it is capable of keeping pathogens in check and yet be not harmful to higher life forms such as pets, other animals or human beings. Ozone is also environment friendly. However, prolonged exposure to very unnaturally high levels of ozone may lead to discomfort, later headache and coughing. Hence, it is always advisable to use an ozone monitoring device to control the ozone level inside closed spaces to maintain ozone level in the room TO below 0.08 ppm or 80 ppb.

Air treatment with ozone is found to be very useful not only in large buildings or cinema halls with closed circuit air conditioning, but also in hotels and hospitals. Normally air conditioning ducting breeds mold and fungi and can harbour other bacteria as well due to the presence of moisture. Ozone helps in eliminating microorganisms from the ducts.


The side benefits of using ozone in any room is that it maintains the upholstery in fresh mint condition longer and avoids development of musty smell over a period of time. The tobacco and alcohol smell is controlled in hotel guest rooms making the air feel cleaner to breathe. It also helps the next hotel guest checking in to the room to walk into a fresh smelling room rather than in a room with food, tobacco or musty smell. Ozonising restaurant air keeps the food smell from permeating into the neighbouring area. Ozonised bars feel fresh with reduced tobacco smoke and alcohol smell. Similarly the lobby area can also be ozonised along with the banquet halls and conference rooms; all smelling fresh. Besides this, ozone is a deterrent to many small insects like mosquitoes and flies. Hence this menace is reduced. In health clubs it is vitally important to keep the air fresh and well oxygenated with ozone while reducing the bacterial contamination bred by the perspiring bodies. In hospitals, ozone in air keeps the air borne diseases in check from spreading from one patient to another. Its deodourising effect reduces the ‘hospital smell’ from the constant use of disinfectants. This makes the hospital more patient friendly. The various areas of application of ozone in air inside a hospital are the general corridors, in-patient lounges, outpatient wards, operation theatres, ICUs, consulting rooms, etc.

Ozone is also known to be used in many industries to tackle the odour from various sources of contaminations. Ozone can also be used in treating gaseous discharges for reducing the pollution load. Ozone can be used for removing odour from sewage treatment plants. In food processing industry, injecting ozone in the closed environment of food processing halls helps in controlling contamination of products and keeps them fresh for longer durations.